Tuesday, April 20, 2010

do real men sew...

as i have been spreading
the word
about my new quilt store...
the most frequently asked question
so far is...
will you have classes for men
of course
i reply
i've been teaching boys
to sew for years
above is my own first born
when he was seven
i've discovered a few blogs you must check out
and be sure to go here today
for a great giveaway


Kristen said...

Recently, I discovered a quilt shop that is en route to Cayman's therapy appointments. They hold classes. I'm so excited at the prospects of learning how to quilt. And it's so close to home for me. Whahoo!

Kristen said...

Any chance you going to the spring game this weekend? We're planning on being there. Probably staying the whole weekend in Columbus in fact. We've been needing a little vacation but just can't seem to make it all come together right now, so we thought a little weekend away in one of our most favorite cities might serve as a great refresher to life!